Monday, July 26, 2010


This is how we ended our day! Dressed in big pink T-shirts we went to bed at Mombo and Grampas house in Moore Oklahoma.

This is how we started our day! Waiting at the airport to see if we get to fly to Oakland California.
We played! missed all the flights and went back to Mombos house to eat lunch and take a nap. We even had enough time to see Inceptoin (it blew my mind) before we headed back the the airport to try another flight.

This is us driving away from the OKC airport for the second time today. Our flight was delayed and so we wouldn't make our connecting flight to CA. Lucky for us we got the call before we unloaded, so we were able to just turn around.
Elliot was so good today even with all the ups and downs we cracked open our airplane snacks. We had some dinner. Took some baths and dressed the boys in the smallest T-shirts we could find which also turned out to be pink.
Read some books, said our prayers and headed off the bed to end our day with dreams.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh what a day! What little troopers with a day like that. I had to entertain the boys in the Tulsa airport for 4 hours- not very exciting- but we survived somehow. Hope you catch that flight soon! You have the best kids.