Friday, January 8, 2010

Good question

My friend Erika commented on my last post asking if we were also exercising. Since she asked and both my boys are down for naps I thought I would fill you in on our exercise routines so far this year.

I decided I wanted to start running after I had Malcolm. I have never been good at it before but it seems like something you can enjoy once you get into it. I got a ten week program from a friend that slowly eases you and your muscles into running. There are two prep weeks of walking and then by the tenth week you are running for half an hour. I started the program and a face book group a few weeks ago. So I have my 30min of Running/Walking I do three times a week.

There is actually a 5k the weekend after my last week so my currant goal is to be able to run the 5k on March 6th. I want to build myself up to a half marathon that is my ultimate goal and why I started the program.

Next we have our ab workout we do on the days we are not running Tue, Thur, and Sat
Its just Steven and I doing a few exercises we have learned but Steven wont let me go to bed till we have done them.

and lastly I have an 8 min in the morning program that helps build lean muscle tissue.
That is Basically it plus all the stretching that goes with it and.

I know that is sounds like a lot we are doing here but it really isn't. Also I want to say that we are not doing these things as new years resolutions That will fade to the back of our minds and be forgotten. I started the running program after I had Malcolm and was giving the okay to exercise and I really want to be a runner for life. Then Steven and I were watching The Biggest Loser Finale (we are big fans) and I was amazed how people starting at 300 pounds could get down to weighing less than I do. So I asked Steven if I lost 50lbs if we could go on a cruse. We looked it up and I would be in my healthy weight range for my height and age so he said yes.
Who knows if we will go on a cruise but 50lbs is my currant goal. It all seemed to fall around the new year and my 25th birthday so I guess it is just that time in my life to make a change, So wish me luck because here I go!


Kristen said...

I am doing a half marathon on May 15th in Tulsa (Jenks Aquarium to be exact). Do you want to go to? I am right where you are at. I have never been a good runner. I am slowly building myself up. Let me know about the 5k.

Nessa said...

I started that running/walking thing last spring and got up to my 5k in three months and ran it in 42mins...kinda slow but it felt great. Good luck...keep it up!

Kristina said...

This is a great idea! Hey can Brett and I make weight goals too and go on your cruise with you? The last cruise really got me motivated but i have been back to the gym once or twice since I got back. GAG!