Thursday, January 7, 2010

One down five to go

Steven and I have started off the new year with a bang also known as a diet. We are doing a six week diet program that our friend Chris is using for the boot camp weight loss program he runs.

Today is the first day of week two and boy am I glad. For this program we eat the same thing every day all week, so here is what we have been eating for a week now:

Meal one: 3 hard boiled eggs (with out the yoke), 2 pieces of Canadian bacon

Meal two: 1 cup cottage cheese and 1/2 cup pineapple chunks

Meal three: romaine lettuce one serving of canned chicken (There are six serving in one of those little cans so it ends up being about 2 tbsp) one medium cucumber and 2 TBSP of vinaigrette dressing.

Meal four: a grape fruit and a sugar free jello cup

Meal five: 4oz ground turkey steamed yellow squash and broccoli and 1/2 cup kidney beans

We don't get to add salt or any other flavors and we drink a gallon of water a day. I ended up throwing up twice last week, I couldn't handle the eggs.

But this week we get oatmeal with fruit and nuts, celery with peanut butter we have chicken and kiwi for a meal and strawberrys, apples and yogurt and fish with sugar snap peas for dinner. I am so excited to eat foods that are regularly part my diet.

Now I have to tell you Steven and I are doing the diet a little different then Chris. We start our week on a Thursday so we have 3 days to follow the program then on Sundays we give ourselves a little break. We make a normal Sunday dinner of meat and veggies but no breads, for breakfast we eat a hot cereal, then we add in two fruits throughout the day. Also all we can drink is water. Then we continue our week Monday through Wednesday and start with a new menu on Thursday. We also have decided that lime juice is allowed on vegetables and on the last day of our week we give ourselves a little something extra, yesterday it was a slice of cheese with dinner. Now I would like you to imagine how amazing cheese tastes after a week of bland food, it was divine.


Drew Nelson said...

Wow! Sounds complicated. At least you're working hard for your goal. Are you guys exercising too?

Good luck!

Drew Nelson said...

ps. It's me Erika